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The Candletini
$49 only
It is DIFFERENT, UNIQUE & FUN... Best VALUE for the price...

Make It Personal...
They will never forget you...Every time they light up the CandleTini or use the glass for a Martini they will be thinking of you...HOW GOOD IS THAT.

Make It Personal...
They will never forget you...Every time they light up the CandleTini or use the glass for a Martini they will be thinking of you...HOW GOOD IS THAT.
Use our template or create your own message
You Imagine it...We Design it...Free Some restrictions may apply
It's not just a gift... It's a Marketing & Promotional Tool as well...
Every time they use it, they will be thinking of you...HOW GOOD IS THAT...
We believe that the CANDLETINI is personal and the message could be easily lost filling out forms.
To explore the possibilities, call us directly at 1-760-835-6877 or send in the inquiry request.
*All Coachella Valley Brokers & Real Estate Agents will receive FREE shipping and/or Delivery at their place of business in the valley.
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